We are a body of believers that seek to cultivate deeper intimacy with God as we look to meet Him in a place of greater vulnerability and openness.  As a people that have been saved and are being saved, it’s our heart to steward the grace we’ve received with gratefulness, and pour it out to others.  


As a body, we seek to meet people where they’re at.  We don’t believe in calling others to conform to a culturally relevant identity of the church, but through love and truth we seek to break through barriers to bring each individual into the identity that God sees them as.  Our hope is that each person would arrive at a place where they know who God is to them and who they are to God, and that together we would be able to build a foundation of worship to God.


As a body we are constantly striving to maintain the unity of the Spirit.  We believe that the Body is made up of different roles, giftings and callings, and that all of them are valuable and necessary for the growth of the whole.  We therefore honor what the Lord shows us of one another.  We give each other a place of influence and we identify others' roles in our lives; we fight for relationship - working through conflicts with patience, love and hope.


As a body we are jealous for our city and all the places where we are sent.  We want to see God’s glory manifest through the unique identities He’s given cities and places.  Working with others, we honor and celebrate where the kingdom is advancing and others' calling.