We value God’s pursuit of us.  Above all else, God desires relationship – for us to know Him and Him to know us.

We value God’s Word, the way He speaks to us, and how He reveals Himself.  Everything He does and says is meant to capture our hearts.

We value God’s will.  God is good.  He loves perfectly and His plans for creation are just.

We love and value God Himself.  His character is immutable.  He helps us in our weakness, He is kind, generous, and holy.


We value each person.  Each of us were created to express God in a way that is unique, beautiful, and life-giving.

We value what each person has to give.  As sons and daughters of God, we pour out what we’ve been given.

We value where each person is at.  We are all growing in heart, as we die to that which is selfish, to live for God and others.

We value personal choice.  It’s in the struggle that we must choose God/others or ourselves. We value that choice and fight for faith.


We value each other as family.  We recognize that in Christ, we belong to one another – your victory is my victory; your struggle is my struggle.

We value mission in community.  We are called by Christ to represent Him to others, both individually and together.

We value unity in the Local and Extended Body.  As we each represent different pieces of Christ, we come together and fight to express Him and know Him more fully.

We value honor.  We give preference and a place in our hearts to one another, as the Lord directs.